• ARMTA members hold at minimum a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in their registered subject. 
  • All members in our directory (with the exception of retired members) undergo a police vulnerable sector check every five years.  

Click here for search tips.


Search for… will search for instruments, subjects taught, city or town, names, and teacher descriptions. This will return the greatest number of results, particularly for theoretical subjects like rudiments, history, harmony, counterpoint, analysis, or composition. Teachers who teach any instrument (including piano, voice, guitar, or any string, woodwind, or brass instrument) even if it is not their primary Registered Subject will also be displayed. Subjects taught are at the discretion of the teacher.

Search by Registered Subject… will filter results for teachers who hold that subject as a Registered Subject. Registered Subjects have been verified by ARMTA as the main instrument or subject in which the teacher holds a degree or diploma. Affiliate members hold a Grade 9 or 10 certificate or an equivalent and do not have registered subjects.

Examples of how to search for a teacher near you:

  1. To find a voice teacher in Edmonton (and is also registered in voice), you can select voice as the registered subject & then select the city/state/country drop down & type in Edmonton.
  2. To find someone who will teacher piano near you (even if it’s not their registered instrument), type piano in the main search box & select “within 10 km of” & type in your postal code.

Use the + to zoom in on the map to find a teacher near you.

Need help finding the right teacher for you? Feel free to email for assistance: findateacher@armtaedmonton.ab.ca

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